The BirdBoxVox Studio
Piers owns and runs a broadcast quality voiceover (and publicity interview) recording studio, The BirdBoxVox Studio. Click here to listen to some of the sounds he has recorded there.

Here, he records voiceovers and also does publicity and down-the-line interviews via ISDN, Source Connect, SourceConnectNow, high quality Skype video, ipDTL and AudioTX via aptx and IP. The studio has been validated by many broadcasters, as well as the studios of Source Connect.
Fully sound-proof standalone purpose-built Esmono voiceover studio. The sound inside is impeccable. The sound outside doesn’t matter.
There is a choice of microphones here. The classic Neumann TLM103, the Rode NT2A and the “USA LA favorite” the highly directional Sennheiser 416.
The mighty Avalon 737 SP Valve Amplifier feeding into the industry workhorse Focusrite Saffire Pro 40
Studio monitoring via industry standard Tannoy Reveal 601a monitors, plus Beyer DT150 and Sennheiser HD280 pro headphones.
Avid Protools 11 gives the ability to voice to video and links seamlessly to Skype, with the added depths of the glorious Sonnox plugins. The external PC runs the AudioTX Communicator suite of options. The studio also has Cleanfeed.
Connectivity, Codecs and VOIP
ISDN connections worldwide via Musicam Prima LT & Audio TX (offering MPEG2, MPEG3, G722, G711, APT & APTx) as well as SourceConnect & IP DTL as VoIP.
Dial & Direct
As well the ISDN facility to connect two studios together, there are also a number of ways to “dial & direct”. You can call in the studio via Skype, Landline & Mobile/Cellphone to listen and direct the recording session down the line. Your finished sound files will be downloadable in minutes, exactly how you wanted them to sound.

FVO Louisa Gummer
The same voiceover studio is also used by the dulcet toned British FVO Louisa Gummer – in case you need a female voice for your project. Click here to find out more!
Voiceover Accommodation
Oh and one last thing – there is an Airbnb room with ISDN studio on tap – so if you are a travelling voiceover with a need for accommodation and recording facilities in East London, Hackney, Stratford or Olympic Park, get in touch!